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Treating scoliosis with applied kinesiology

Treating Scoliosis with Applied Kinesiology has some noted success, Particularly with the Idiopathic Kind.

This is especially true when combined with other forms of therapy including electrical stimulation of muscles or orthopedic bracing.

Although scoliosis mostly affects children 7-15 years old, it is also possible for scoliosis to develop in adults or elderly individual despite having a normal spine throughout their life. Contributory causes include differences in leg length, dental TMJ issues, nutritional deficiencies and visual problems. The applied kinesiology approach is used to normalize the nervous system’s control of muscle and balance. Specific treatment of the muscles may include neuromuscular spindle cell work and Golgi tendon manipulation. This helps restore body symmetry and reduce muscle spasm. Structural information is first obtained from X-ray studies to determine the amount of distortion and where the apex of the curves are. Treatment may include chiropractic adjustments to reduce the amount of rotation in the backbones and restore normal motion of the joints. At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture our staff has been treating scoliosis with applied kinesiology since 1983. Located in Penfield NY the office serves Fairport, Webster, Pittsford and the greater Rochester NY area. Treating scoliosis with applied kinesiology has some noted success, particularly with the idiopathic kind. This is especially true when combined with other forms of therapy including electrical stimulation of muscles or orthopedic bracing. Although scoliosis mostly affects children 7-15 years in age, it is also possible for scoliosis to develop in adults or elderly individual despite having a normal spine throughout their life. Contributory causes include differences in leg length, dental TMJ issues, nutritional deficiencies and visual problems. The applied kinesiology approach is used to normalize the nervous system’s control of muscle and balance. Specific treatment of the muscles may include neuromuscular spindle cell work and Golgi tendon manipulation. This helps restore body symmetry and reduce muscle spasm. Structural information is first obtained from X-ray studies to determine the amount of distortion and where the apex of the curves are. Treatment may include chiropractic adjustments to reduce the amount of rotation in the backbones and restore normal motion of the joints. At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture, our staff has been treating scoliosis with applied kinesiology since 1983. Located in Penfield NY the office serves Fairport, Webster, Pittsford and the greater Rochester NY area.

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